International sales partners
Available worldwide
We have sales partners worldwide who sell our software, provide support and conduct training. If you are not based in Germany, take a look at the list of our sales partners to see if there is already a contact person in your country. Your advantage: you will be looked after in the respective national language. Of course you can get our products everywhere at the same prices and conditions.
Our sales partners look forward to your call or e-mail. Please choose the right partner company from our contact list:

Overview of sales partners
Arbeitsgemeinschaft ERNEUERBARE ENERGIE GmbH
Rudolf Moschik
Tel: +43 4242-23224-20
Arbeitsgemeinschaft ERNEUERBARE ENERGIE GmbH
Technisches Büro für Energie- und Umwelttechnik
Unterer Heidenweg 7
9500 Villach, Österreich
Company profile:
AEE Arbeitsgemeinschaft ERNEUERBARE ENERGIE (Renewable Energy Association) has been established in 1988 in Gleisdorf Austria. AEE is active in the field of use of renewable energy and offers numerous services besides the work done in research and development.
AEE GmbH is Business Partner in Austria for Valentin Software since 1995.
Solarize Treinamentos Profissionais Ltda.
Hans Rauschmayer
Tel: +55 212148-0973
Solarize Treinamentos Profissionais Ltda.
R. Paschoal Carlos Magno, 57
20240-290 Rio de Janeiro RJ
Company profile:
The company Solarize was founded in 2003 by Hans Rauschmayer, based in Rio de Janeiro. Since 2017, Solarize is the official Valentin Partner for training and support in Brazil. The distribution remains with Valentin Software GmbH.
Solarize started with training classes for solar thermal technology in 2008. Three years later, photovoltaics was included in the portfolio. At that time, this technology was rarely used, and only in offgrid applications. Together with the Brazilian regulations for ongrid installations, in 2012, Solarize started to organize seminars about this upcoming topic and was one of the first to offer training classes.
Always being amongst the pioneers, Solarize installed the first ongrid system in Rio de Janeiro on his rooftop and became famous due to several TV reports. Successively, the training program was enhanced with the purpose to offer basic knowledge for beginners and also special classes for experienced engineers.
Solsta SAS
Paul McLean
Tel: +57 1 786 8524-3
WhatsApp: +57 322 785 5109
Solsta SAS
Carrera 24 # 39A - 26, Of. 402.
Company profile:
Solsta is a new venture started by experienced entrepreneurs and solar experts in Bogotá, Colombia, to professionalize and evolve the solar industry in Latin America.
Since January 2020 Solsta is the official distribution partner of Valentin Software GmbH covering the Colombian, Mexican and Ecuadorian markets. In July 2021 Solsta ventured into the rest of the Spanish speaking countries in Latin America and now offers all its services in Central and South America as an authorized dealer. Besides offering the full portfolio of Valentin Software products and services (PV*SOL, T*SOL, GeoT*SOL), Solsta also provides related training courses, webinars and customer support in Spanish language.
Solsta is committed to developing the solar industry in Latin America by offering extensive training and international certificates to Solar professionals in the region. Solsta strives to be the place to go for all Solar related topics in our local markets, both for solar professionals and solar companies looking to step up their game, as well as for companies and individuals that are planning to buy a solar installation.
Sobre Solsta:
Solsta es una nueva empresa fundada por experimentados emprendedores y expertos en energía solar en Bogotá - Colombia, para mejorar la calidad profesional y apoyar la evolución de la industria solar en Latinoamérica.
Desde enero de 2020 Solsta es el aliado oficial de Valentin Software GmbH para los mercados de Colombia, México y Ecuador. En julio de 2021, Solsta incursionó en el resto de países hispanohablantes de Latinoamérica y ahora ofrece todos sus servicios en Suramérica y América Central como distribuidor autorizado. Además de ofrecer todo el portafolio de productos y servicios de Valentin Software (PV*SOL, T*SOL y GeoT*SOL), Solsta también ofrece cursos de capacitación relacionados con los productos, webinars y soporte técnico al cliente en español.
Solsta está comprometida con el desarrollo de la industria de la energía solar en Latinoamérica ofreciendo los más completos cursos de capacitación con certificados de trazabilidad internacional para los profesionales de la energía solar en la región. Solsta se esfuerza por ser el lugar de encuentro para todos los interesados en temas relacionados con energía solar en nuestros mercados locales, tanto para profesionales conocedores del tema como para las compañías que buscan mejorar su participación en el mercado, así como empresas y personas que desean adquirir un instalación solar fotovoltaica.
Česká fotovoltaická asociace, o.s. (ČFA)
Ústav Fotovoltaiky a Elektromobility z.ú.
Petr Maule
Mobil: +420 602 434 513
Tel: +420 373 315 467;
Teslova 1202/3
301 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
Company profile:
The Czech Photovoltaic Association (ČFA) was established in 2009. It is currently the oldest and largest photovoltaic association in the Czech Republic.
The aim of ČFA activities is to fulfill specific objectives, including providing and disseminating professional information on photovoltaic energy, organizing conferences, seminars, and training sessions, supporting both professionals and the general public in the fields of decentralized energy and photovoltaics, conducting lectures and presentations on photovoltaics, and engaging in publishing, reviewing, and editorial activities in the field of photovoltaics and renewable energy sources as natural and ecological energy solutions.
In 2021, the independent professional college of ČFA, the Institute of Photovoltaics and Electromobility, was established. Its primary focus is on providing specialized education, conducting research and development, offering expert opinions and expertise in the fields of electrical engineering and energy, with a specialization in photovoltaics, energy storage, and electromobility. In the area of photovoltaic training and project planning, ČFA offers training courses for the software PV*SOL. These courses are held either independently, in two proficiency levels (Basic and Advanced), or as part of the educational training and certification program "Photovoltaic Expert." Currently, the "Photovoltaic Expert" program is the largest and most comprehensive technical education program for photovoltaic fundamentals and applications in the Czech Republic. The program features lectures from university professors, associate professors, court-appointed experts, auditors, energy specialists, and renewable energy designers.
The Executive Director of ČFA is Petr Maule, who is also active as a university lecturer, a trainer in photovoltaic education in the Czech Republic, an energy advisor for the Ministry of Industry and Trade, an examiner for state qualifications "Professional Qualification for Photovoltaic System Electrician" and "Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installer," a member of technical and legislative working groups for photovoltaics, and a co-author of the publication "Photovoltaic Systems".
RES Academy Int
Eng. Majd Gorkem Kadi
Tel: +90 552 846 9599
RES Academy Int
Merdivenköy Mah. Dikyol Sk B Blok No: 2/179
Business Istanbul Plaza
Company profile:
RES is an International Training Academy for renewable Energy with many experts from different countries to cover your needs. Our aim is to prepare people who will work and develop renewable energy sector, not only with theoretical training, but also with practical trainings for their future duties. Thanks to our professional partners, we are going to gain your trust and provide a unique service with designing software, training, technical support, consulting services from experts and products supplying. All trainings are provided in English and Arabic language.
أكاديمية التدريب الدولية للطاقات المتجددة تضم العديد من الخبراء من بلدان مختلفة لتغطية الاحتياجات المتزايدة للطاقة النظيفة.
هدفنا هو إعداد الأشخاص الذين سيعملون ويطورون قطاع الطاقة المتجددة، ليس فقط من خلال التدريب النظري،
ولكن أيضًا من خلال التدريبات العملية لواجباتهم المستقبلية. بفضل شركائنا المحترفين، سنكسب ثقتك ونقدم خدمات فريدة.
حيث نقدم لك البرامج التصميمية والتدريب والدعم الفني والخدمات الاستشارية من الخبراء وتوريد المنتجات التي تحتاجونها.
جميع الدورات التدريبية تقدم في اللغة الإنكليزية والعربية.
FAUCONNET Ingénierie S.A.S.
Marc Chaperon
FAUCONNET Ingénierie S.A.S.
2 route des Cornées – BP 22
Company profile:
FAUCONNET Ingénierie S.A.S (Fisa) is a computing company specialised in developing software packages for Heating, Piping and Air-Conditioning Engineering for more than 30 years. Fisa employs 20 persons. It is a familyowned company responding to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as big companies.
Fisa provides a set of software solutions built specifically for mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers, designers and drafters, including:
— The calculation conforming to the French thermic regulation (RT 2000/2005/2012)
— The diagnosis of energy performance and the calculations for obtaining interest-free loans
— Software tools based on AutoCAD and Autodesk Revit for BIM (Building Information Modeling = an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction professionals the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure).
— Technical support and training are assured by a competent staff.
Fauconnet is a Valentin Software Distribution Partner in FRANCE since 2005.
Trinetrix Technologies Private Limited
Samir Seth
Tel: +91 98119 09717
Trinetrix Technologies Private Limited
E-94, Second Floor
Greater Kailash – 2
New Delhi – 110048
Company profile:
Founded in 2001, Trinetrix Technologies is a niche player providing software and solutions to help its customers achieve their true potential. Trinetrix Technologies is a multi-brand market aggregator in the fragmented packaged software products space for data analytics, alternative energy, and hydrological modelling, consistently delivering real improvements in business performance for our customers, through a combination of technology know-how, domain, and process expertise. Our market approach provides customers access to niche, cutting-edge software products while helping global packaged software companies looking to expand their market penetration across India. We help create differentiated brands that have the potential to emerge as category-leaders in a short span of time.
In the utilities and renewable energy space, we offer modelling solutions for power systems optimisation and for modelling microgrids. In addition, we offer solutions for modelling behind-the-meter distributed generation and utility-scale energy storage systems. We also offer transient systems simulation programs which simulate most thermal and renewable generation.
Chiara Tucci
Tel: +39 011 43 70499
Fax: +39 011 48 2506
Via le Chiuse 73
10144 Torino
Company profile:
ATH ITALIA is operating for 30 years in the thermodynamic industry and it has a long experience in designing and construction supervision of hvac systems on both domestic and international markets.
With the wealth of experience, the company has succeeded in assembling the most authoritative experts in software production and in proposing a complete set of solutions for qualified and professional planning and design of thermal systems, aimed to meet the needs of professionals and technicians.
The software distributed by ATH ITALIA is considered the most reliable for thousands of professionals, it covers all areas of thermodynamics and is characterized by high professionalism and ease of use. The company pays close attention to meet the needs of users and it is able to ensure a high level of service, constant training and expert advices, by a team of designers and programmers, who are constantly updated on the latest technologies.
Since 2007 ATH ITALIA distributes Valentin Sofltware T*SOL and PV*SOL product lines in the Italian market.
Emiel Ponte
Tel: +31 76 5606260
Postbus 42
4850 AA Ulvenhout
The Netherlands
Company profile:
The Solar Energy Academy!
Since the start in 2009 Switch2Solar is the only supplier in The Netherlands of dedicated training courses in the field of solar energy. Our clients are ambitious people and companies, both in the Netherlands and all over the world. We offer you a broad range of courses, from sales, advice, design, mounting, electrical installation to delivery, inspection and services. We focus on creation of reliance and distinctiveness. We think these are the factors for succes in the solar market place of today.
Zolw AS
Christopher Søetorp
Tel: +47 64959564
Zolw AS
Lienga 6
1414 Trollåsen, Norway
Company profile:
Zolw AS is a Norwegian expertise company in solar energy. The company runs courses and training activities for associations, businesses and public actors. Zolw also helps other consulting companies, the public sector and installers and others with help with planning, tender writing and documentation of solar energy systems. The company also develops innovative solutions itself that Zolw's partners benefit from.
At Zolw, all employees are trained in PV*SOL and the program is used daily in operations. Our experience stretches back to 2015 and we are constantly developing. For several years, Zolw has held courses and guided its customers in PV*SOL and is proud to be able to call itself an official partner for the program in Norway.
Selskapets profil:
Zolw AS er et norsk kompetanseselskap innen solenergi. Selskapet driver med kurs og opplæringsvirksomhet for foreninger, næringsliv og offentlige aktører. Zolw hjelper også andre konsulentselskap, det offentlige og installatører og andre med hjelp til prosjektering, anbudsskriving og dokumentasjon av solenergianlegg. Selskapet utvikler også innovative løsninger selv som Zolw sine samarbeidspartnere drar nytte av.
Hos Zolw, blir alle ansatte trent opp i PV*SOL og programmet benyttes daglig i driften. Vår erfaring strekker seg tilbake til 2015 og vi utvikler oss stadig. I flere år har Zolw holdt kurs og veiledet sine kunder i PV*SOL og er stolt av å kunne kalle seg offisiell partner for programmet i Norge.
Hadron Solar Pvt Ltd.
Hafeez Ullah
Tel: +92 42 3524 0526
Mobile: +92 321 4813 143
Hadron Solar (Pvt.) Ltd.
326 Johar Avenue
New Campus Road
Lahore, Pakistan
Company profile:
Hadron Solar (previously Solar Tech Intl) is one of the leading solar solution providers in Pakistan, operating since 2012. The company has a strong track record with 100+ installations and an installed and under development capacity of 1+ MW across Pakistan.
Our mission is simple: Switch the world to solar; one factory, one roof, one tube well at a time.
We see a future of truly distributed power generation, where every single rooftop of every household, commercial entity, or public building is harnessing energy from the sun; excess energy is stored in reliable, on-site storage or fed back to the distributed grid
KIELGO Sp. z o.o.
Mateusz Herian
Tel: +48 500-583-255
KIELGO Sp. z o.o.
Cegielniana 4A / 26
30-404 Kraków
Profil firmy:
KIELGO to firma, która od 2020 roku działa na rynku polskim, na którym zajmuje się prowadzeniem szkoleń dla firm z branży OZE. W swojej ofercie posiada kilkanaście szkoleń tematycznych, w tym również z zakresu projektowania instalacji PV w programie PV*SOL Premium.
KIELGO to również wsparcie firm działających w branży OZE na każdym etapie realizacji inwestycji: od przygotowania projektu po złożenie potrzebnych dokumentów zgłoszeniowych. KIELGO zajmuje się również wykonywanie certyfikatów oraz audytów energetycznych budynków mieszkalnych oraz firm czy hal produkcyjnych. KIELGO na co dzień zajmuje się również pomocą w pozyskiwaniu dotacji dla budowy systemów OZE zarówno dla klientów indywidualnych jak i biznesowych.
KIELGO to wyjątkowy zespół doświadczonych ekspertów branżowych, którzy z pasją dzielą się wiedzą i umożliwiają profesjonalistom osiągnięcie doskonałości w świecie energii odnawialnej.
Company profile:
KIELGO is a company that has been operating in the Polish market since 2020, focusing on providing training for businesses in the renewable energy sector. They offer a variety of specialized courses, including training in the design of PV installations using PV*SOL Premium software.
KIELGO offers support for businesses in the renewable energy industry at every stage of investment implementation, from project preparation to the submission of necessary regulatory documents. Additionally, KIELGO provides services for issuing energy certificates and conducting energy audits for residential buildings, businesses, and production facilities. KIELGO also specializes in assisting with obtaining grants for the construction of renewable energy systems, both for individual and business clients.
KIELGO is an exceptional team of experienced industry experts who passionately share knowledge, enabling professionals to achieve excellence in the world of renewable energy.
Solelgrossisten/ Ahlsell Sverige AB
Angelica Gram Vang
Tel: +46 767 880 627
Ahlsell Sverige AB
Klintgatan 8
272 32 Tomelilla
Company profile:
Solelgrossisten has been our official distribution partner in Sweden since 2018 and is now a fully integrated part of Ahlsell Sverige AB - Sweden's largest wholesaler for electrical, H-Vac, infrastructure, energy and much more!
With the foundation of Solelgrossisten in 2014, our partner has a lot of expertise that they are happy to share with their customers.
ASETIS Energie GmbH
Bent Kjelsberg
Tel: +41 325 113 642
Fax: +41 21 560 4340
Mobil: +41 76 343 1199
ASETIS Energie GmbH
Chemin Es Vignettes 6
1588 Cudrefin
GREEN Solar Academy (Pty) Ltd.
Alexandra Hattingh
Tel: +27 (0) 10 012 6552
GREEN Solar Academy (Pty) Ltd.
3 Pitsani Road
The Willows Estate, 8 Del Arbre
Kelland, Randburg
Johannesburg, 2194
South Africa
VAT 4480288739, Reg.No. 2019/315705/07
Company profile:
GREEN Solar Academy PTY Ltd. is an independent training provider. GREEN stands for Global Renewable Energy & Efficiency Network as our goal is not only to provide training but to build up a network of PV installers all over Africa. GREEN is the link between manufacturers, wholesalers, associations and PV installers, the alumni. GREEN presently offer independent trainings in 11 academies in 9 countries in South, West and East Africa and in Germany.
Hands-on Training for PV Installers: the approach of all trainings through the GREEN Solar Academy is to be as practical as possible. All courses place considerable emphasis on hands-on exercises to not only teach theoretical knowledge but practical application. GREEN training follows modern teaching methods, such as interactive sessions, learning questions and different types of self-tests to ensure the optimal learning effect. The training programmes are product-neutral and are continuously updated to keep pace with market requirements and trends.
Soleme Soluciones Energéticas
Emilio Oliver
Tel: +34 91 636 27 13
Soleme Soluciones Energéticas
Calle Puerto Guadarrama 36
28935 Móstoles-Madrid
Sobre Soleme:
Soleme es una empresa con más de 15 años trabajando en el sector de las energías renovables, convirtiéndose hoy en día, en líder de la distribución de material fotovoltaico a profesionales en toda España.
Más que ser un distribuidor, busca brindar un excelente servicio pre y post venta, acompañado de asesorías personalizadas, soporte técnico, formaciones y acompañamiento continuo a cada cliente, cuidando y satisfaciendo todas las necesidades de sus proyectos.
Cuenta con grandes expertos del sector y un equipo altamente cualificado que permiten garantizar el éxito de cada proyecto que pasa por sus manos.
Comprometidos con sus clientes, Soleme es una empresa vanguardista que siempre avanza para proporcionarles amplias soluciones de la mejor calidad, trabajando en colaboración de las mejores marcas del mercado, es por esto, que en este 2022 se une y convierte en socio distribuidor oficial de Valentin Software GmbH.
Company profile:
Soleme is a company with more than 15 years working in the renewable energy sector, today becoming a leader in the distribution of photovoltaic material to professionals throughout Spain.
More than being a distributor, it seeks to provide an excellent pre- and post-sale service, accompanied by personalized advice, technical support, training and continuous support for each client, taking care of and satisfying all the needs of their projects.
It has great experts in the sector and a highly qualified team that guarantees the success of each project that passes through its hands.
Committed to its customers, Soleme is an avant-garde company that is always advancing to provide them with ample solutions of the best quality, working in collaboration with the best brands on the market, which is why, in 2022, it joins and becomes an official distributor partner of de Valentine Software GmbH.
Çataklı Enerji Eğitim Yayıncılık Danışmanlık ve Ticaret Ltd Şti
Murat Çataklı
Tel: +90 216 452 0402
Fax: +90 216 451 0501
Çataklı Enerji Eğitim Yayıncılık Danışmanlık ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Yeni Mh. Süreyya Paşa cd. N:15 D:3 K:2
Company profile:
Çataklı Enerji Eğitim Yayıncılık was founded in 2012 by Murat Çataklı and is the official Turkey Business Partner for Valentin Software’s simulation software for solar PV, thermal & heat pumps. One of the company’s activity is to supply and give support for PV*SOL, T*SOL & GeoT*SOL software and to provide training in Turkish in the use of the software. Çataklı Enerji is also the Turkey partner for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V LV Berlin-Brandenburg. Together, they are giving a 3 day basic and 5 day practical training in photovoltaics.
Specialized Energy Technologies - SETech
Serhii Shevchenko
Tel: +38 067 157 15 15
Mobile: +38 095 157 15 15
Specialized Energy Technologies
Dubnivska Street 15
43010 Lutsk
Company profile:
Our company was founded in 2000 and was the origin of the use of renewable energy sources in Ukraine, we also work in the field of information technology.
We are a team of innovators trying to keep pace with scientific advances and implement better solutions for people. We are trying to make our country and our planet cleaner and to learn to become independent from monopolies on natural fossil fuels. Our motto: The sun doesn't send us bills and live with the sun and responsibly!
We know how to develop innovative BIPV products, implement projects on the subject of hot water from the sun, install solar stations and maintain systems.
We are open to cooperation with the whole world and hope that the partnership with Valentin Software and Software Products will become this bridge for us and our customers in a clean future.
The Solar Design Company
Chris Laughton
Tel: +44 (0)1654 700324
The Solar Design Company
Llety Gwyn
Aberystwyth Road
UK, SY20 8ET
Company profile:
The Solar Design and Training Company was founded in 1993 by Chris Laughton, who remains today as the Managing Director. This company is the official UK Business Partner for sales and training of Valentin Software’s simulation software for solar PV, thermal & heat pumps.
The company’s principal activity is the supply and support of PV*SOL, T*SOL & GeoT*SOL software, which they have been distributing since April 2006. They specialise in providing English-language training in the use of the software as well as supplementary equipment for surveying.
Chris Laughton is a well-known solar engineer, author and lecturer with 25 years’ experience in solar energy. He is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering (FCIPHE) and regularly produces specialist editorials for publications such as Green Building Magazine, PHAM, Electrical Times, Energy in Buildings & Industry, Renewable Energy World and Wind&Sun. He has published several well-regarded books on solar thermal and wood heating, the most recent of which is Solar Domestic Water Heating for international publisher Earthscan. He supervises a small team of dedicated people located in mid-Wales.